Exciting news! Discover the Latest WhatsApp Automation Software Updates from ChatDaddy
Updated On :
November 3, 2023

Exciting news! Discover the Latest WhatsApp Automation Software Updates from ChatDaddy

We're thrilled to announce some exciting new features, enhancements, and bug fixes for your WhatsApp automation software. These updates are designed to make your experience even more seamless and efficient. Let's dive right in!

Sharable Message Flows

With a simple click on a URL, you can now share your message flows with anyone. This URL can be sent through any platform of your choosing or included in a broadcast. Please note that the sharing is currently limited to a view-only mode, so recipients can't make edits to the flow.

Sharable Message Flows of WhatsApp Automation

Instant Message Send

We've enhanced the user experience for sending messages, making it even smoother and faster than the standard WhatsApp interface. You'll notice a significant improvement in sending both text messages and attachments. Say goodbye to delays, and enjoy the speed of communication.

Instant Message Send of WhatsApp Automation

Changes to Message Flows

In our continuous effort to provide the best service, we've made performance improvements and adjustments to accommodate upcoming features. These changes will ensure that your message flows run even more efficiently.

Changes to Orders in Inbox

We've made a valuable update to our inbox feature. Orders will no longer duplicate existing order IDs when a status change occurs. This improvement streamlines your order management process and reduces confusion.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Issue of Missing Phone Numbers

We've resolved the issue where phone numbers were missing in the orders page. You can now view all necessary information without any omissions.

Fixed Save Issue in Message Flows

The problem of saving issues in Message Flows has been fixed for smoother workflow management.

Fixed "Failed to Set Options" Error

We've successfully resolved the "failed to set options" error caused by WhatsApp's new privacy update. You can use our software seamlessly without encountering this error.

Thank you for choosing ChatDaddy for your WhatsApp automation needs. We hope these updates enhance your experience and make your interactions even more efficient. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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